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How to change the dashboard timezone and how does it impact the data?

All of the dates and stats/analytics data shown in the T2M dashboard is calculated based on your timezone selection. UTC+00:00 is the default timezone.

Note: Changing the dashboard timezone will not alter your data; it only affects display-related timestamps of your data in the dashboard to ensure accurate tracking and reporting according to your local time.

Follow these simple steps to change your timezone:

  1. Login to your T2M dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Account Settings > Profile & 2FA page.
  3. Select your desired timezone from "Set Timezone (UTC Offset)" dropdown.
  4. Click on the "Save Profile" button and you're done.

You can do more on this "Profile & 2FA" page:

  1. Manage your profile details such as: name, company name, and more.
  2. Change your default T2M short domain.
  3. Enable multi factor authentication (MFA/2FA).

This article is about:

  • 2FA Authentication
  • Profile Settings
  • Timezone Settings