Subprocessors List

At T2M URL Shortener, we take the privacy and security of your data seriously. As part of our commitment to transparency, we want to inform you about the third-party subprocessors we use to support our services. These subprocessors assist us in various aspects of our operations, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of our platform.

1. AWS (Amazon Web Services)

AWS provides the infrastructure and hosting services for our platform. By default, data is stored and processed in AWS data centers located in the USA.

Note: If you, as a user, have selected a preferred AWS region (such as CA-central, EU-based regions) then your data will be stored and processed in that location only.

2. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to analyze user interactions with our website to improve user experience.

3. PayPal Payments

If you choose to use PayPal as your payment method, your payment information will be processed by PayPal.

4. Stripe Payments

If you choose to use Stripe as your payment method, your payment information will be processed by Stripe.

5. Crisp Chat

We use Crisp Chat to provide chat support services on our website, assisting in communication and support for our users.