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How to update multiple short URLs in bulk using CSV tools?

Your CSV file can contain a certain number of rows based on your T2M plan. You can upload multiple CSV files sequentially.

Note: Ensure the CSV is UTF-8 encoded and uses double quotes if any value contains a comma.

  1. Login to your T2M Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the CSV Tools > Update Bulk URLs.
  3. If you like to download your existing URLs for updation, follow our export URLs data guide.
  4. You can also download the sample CSV file under the "CSV file details" section on the same page.
  5. Ensure the CSV contains the URL ID, which is required.
  6. Select the CSV file to upload.
  7. Map the columns as per your requirements. Leave fields unmapped if you don't want them to change.
  8. Once done mapping, click on the "Import CSV" button and wait for the process to complete.
  9. Important: After completion, click on the red "Download Result File" button to download a processed file with import results.