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What browser extensions does T2M offer, and how do they work?

T2M offers browser extensions for Chromium-based browsers (such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, and others) and Firefox browser, making it quick and easy to create short links directly from your browser.

Steps to get started with T2M browser extensions:

  1. Download the extension: Follow the link below and add the T2M extension to your browser.
  2. Get your integration key: You'll need it to login into the browser extension.
    • Login to your T2M dashboard.
    • Navigate to API & Integrations > Integration Keys page.
    • Click on the "+ Generate New Integration Key" button to generate a new key.
    • Copy and securely store your Integration Key. You'll need it to login into the browser extension.
  3. Login into browser extension:
    • Look for the T2M icon (T2M Icon) in the top-right corner of your browser.
    • If you don't see it, check under the extensions menu (usually represented by a puzzle piece icon in top-right corner) and pin the T2M extension for easier access.
    • Click on the T2M icon to open the extension. The login screen will appear.
    • Paste the Integration Key into the field and click the "Login" button.
  4. Upon successful login, the extension will display options to create short URLs. You can now generate custom or branded short links directly from your browser.

This article is about:

  • T2M Browser Extensions
  • Chromium and Firefox Extensions
  • Creating Custom Short URLs