
Functions in SQL are a powerful way to help you query and manipulate data.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the basics of working with functions in SQL.

What is a Function?

A function is a set of instructions that can be used to calculate a result. Functions can be used to perform mathematical operations, such as addition and subtraction, or to return information about specific data elements in a table.

SQL Functions: The Basics

When you use a function in SQL, you always need to provide two pieces of information: the name of the function and the data that you want the function to operate on. For example, the following statement uses the SUM () function to calculate the total value for all items in the inventory table:

SELECT SUM (item_price) AS total_price
FROM inventory;

This statement will return the following result:

total_price ————- 285.00

In most cases, you will want to use functions in conjunction with a SELECT statement. However, you can also use them in WHERE and HAVING clauses. The following statement uses the COUNT () function to return the number of items in the inventory table that are priced at more than $100:

SELECT COUNT (*) AS count_of_expensive_items
FROM inventory
WHERE item_price > 100;

This statement will return the following result: count_of_expensive_items ————- 2

Functions can be used in a variety of different ways, and the best way to learn how to use them is by experimenting. Be sure to check the SQL documentation for more information on the specific functions that are available.


Q: How do I use functions in SQL?

A: In order to use a function in SQL, you need to provide the name of the function and the data that you want the function to operate on. For example, the following statement uses the SUM () function to calculate the total value for all items in the inventory table:

SELECT SUM (item price) AS total_price
FROM inventory;

Q: What are some of the most common functions that can be used in SQL?

A: Some of the most common functions that can be used in SQL include the SUM (), COUNT (), and AVG () functions. These functions can be used to perform mathematical operations, return information about specific data elements, or calculate averages, respectively.

Q: Can functions be used in WHERE and HAVING clauses?

A: Yes, functions can be used in WHERE and HAVING clauses. The following statement uses the COUNT () function to return the number of items in the inventory table that are priced at more than $100:

SELECT COUNT (*) AS count_of_expensive_items
FROM inventory
WHERE item_price > 100;

Q: What is the best way to learn how to use functions in SQL?

A: The best way to learn how to use functions in SQL is by experimenting. Be sure to check the SQL documentation for more information on the specific functions that are available. To know more check

Q: What is the difference between a function and a keyword?

A: A function is a set of instructions that can be used to calculate a result. A keyword is a word that is used in SQL to perform specific tasks, such as SELECT or WHERE.

Q: I’m not sure how to use a function. Can you give me an example?

A: Sure! The following statement uses the SUM () function to calculate the total value for all items in the inventory table:

SELECT SUM (item_price) AS total_price
FROM inventory;
This statement will return the following result:

total_price ————- 285.00

Q: What is the difference between a function and a column?

A: A column is a piece of data that is stored in a table. A function is a set of instructions that can be used to calculate a result.

Q: What is the difference between a function and a procedure?

A: A function is a set of instructions that can be used to calculate a result, while a procedure is a set of instructions that can be used to perform an action. Procedures are often used to manipulate data, while functions are typically used to calculate values or return information about specific data elements.


In this article, we’ve looked at the basics of working with functions in SQL. Functions are a powerful way to help you query and manipulate data, and there are a variety of different functions available. Be sure to experiment with different functions to see what they can do.