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How do I create & download a QR code for my short link?

Each short URL you create comes with a dynamic QR code in either SVG or PNG format, allowing easy access to your link via scanning.

Follow these steps to create and download a QR code for your short link:

  1. Login to your T2M dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Manage Short URL(s) > All Short URLs page.
  3. Click on + Create Short URL button and fill in the fields as needed. Only the Enter Destination/Original URL * field is mandatory.
  4. Once a short URL is created, you will be redirected back to the URLs list page.
  5. On the URLs list page, look for the "QR Code" column and download QR code by clicking the "svg" or "png" download option.

This article is about:

  • Create Branded QR Codes
  • Download SVG & PNG QR Codes
  • Create Short Links