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How do I create a short link for my long original/destination URL?

Creating a short link in T2M is quick and easy, with options to customize using features like Mobile Targeting, Geo Targeting, A/B Testing, Tags & Campaigns, URL Cloaking and moreā€”all designed to help you optimize your links and campaigns effortlessly.


Follow these steps to create your custom branded short link:

  1. Login to your T2M Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Manage Short URL(s) > All Short URLs page.
  3. Click on + Create Short URL button to open the URL creation form.
  4. Fill in the required fields under the Basic Details section:
    • Enter Destination/Original URL: Paste the long URL you want to shorten. [required]
    • Select Short Domain: Choose the domain to use for your short link.
      • The default domain is, which is already set up and ready to use.
      • To create branded short links using your own custom domain, refer to our guide on linking your custom domain.
    • Short URL Key/Slashtag: Optionally customize the slashtag or leave it blank for auto-generation. [case-sensitive]
    • Add Title/Label: Add a title for internal tracking or organization.
  5. Note: All other sections are optional. You can leave them as default or fill them in as needed.
  6. Once you're done, click "✓ Save" to create your short link.

Feature Specific Sections

All these below sections are optional, fill in the info as needed.

Section: Mobile Targeting

Mobile targeting allows you to create a single short link that redirects users to different destinations based on their device (iOS or Android).

Note: Visitors using devices other than iOS or Android will be redirected to the Destination/Original URL you enter in the Basic Details section.

Steps to set up Mobile Targeting:

  1. Proceed to Mobile Targeting section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Enter URL for Apple devices (iPhone & iPad): Provide the link you want iOS users to visit.
    • Enter URL for Android devices: Provide the link for Android users, such as a Google Play Store URL.
  2. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • Mobile Targeting
  • iOS/Android Redirection

Section: Geo Targeting

Geo targeting allows you to redirect visitors to country-specific links based on their IP address.

Note: Visitors from all other countries will be redirected to the Destination/Original URL you enter in the Basic Details section.

Steps to set up Geo Targeting:

  1. Proceed to Geo Targeting section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Select Country: Choose the country for which you want to set a specific destination URL.
    • Enter Destination URL: Provide the URL for the selected country.
  2. Click the "+ ADD" button to save your country-specific URL.
  3. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • Geo Targeting
  • Country-Specific Redirection

Section: A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to test two destination URLs to see which performs better by splitting traffic between them.

Note: Approximately 50% of visitors will be redirected to this variation URL, while the rest will be sent to the main destination URL.

Steps to set up A/B Testing:

  1. Proceed to A/B Testing section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Variation Page URL: Enter the URL for the variation page you want to test.
  2. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • A/B Testing
  • Split Traffic
  • Landing Page Performance Tracking

Section: Password Protection

Password Protection lets you lock and secure your short link with a password.

Steps to set up Password Protection:

  1. Proceed to Password Protection section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Set Password: Set a password (max 50 characters). Visitors will be prompted to enter it before accessing the destination URL.
  2. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • Password Protection
  • Secure Short Links

Section: Expiration Date

Set an expiration date for your short link to automatically delete it after a specific date. Upon expiration, the short URL and its analytics/stats will be permanently deleted and visitors will be redirects to your domain's 404 Redirect URL.

Steps to set up Expiration Date:

  1. Proceed to Expiration Date section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Set Expiration Date: Enter the expiration date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. The URL will expire at 11:59 PM (midnight) on the selected date, based on your account timezone.
  2. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • URL Expiration
  • Time-Limited Short Links

Section: Tags/Campaigns

Tags let you group short URLs into campaigns, making them easy to organize, filter in dashboard and to see aggregated analytics. You can also share public analytics for campaigns with your clients.

Steps to set up Tags/Campaigns:

  1. Proceed to Tags/Campaigns section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Select Tag: Choose a tag from the dropdown menu.
  2. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • Tags/Campaigns
  • URL Grouping
  • Aggregated Analytics

Section: URL Cloaking

URL Cloaking allows you to hide the destination URL and display the short URL in the visitor's browser address bar.

Note: URL cloaking depends on the destination website's X-Frame-Options header configuration. If the header disallows embedding, cloaking may not work.

Steps to set up URL Cloaking:

  1. Proceed to URL Cloaking section, use the toggle switch to enable cloaking for the short URL.
  2. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • URL Cloaking
  • Masking Destination URL

Section: HTTP Status

Set the HTTP status code for your short URL to control how visitors are redirected to the destination URL.

Steps to set up HTTP Status:

  1. HTTP Status: Choose a status code from the dropdown menu. Not sure? Leave as default 301.
  2. Once you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link.

This article is about:

  • Create Branded Short URLs
  • Mobile Targeting
  • Geo Targeting
  • A/B Testing
  • Password Protected Links
  • Expiration Date for Short Links
  • Tags/Campaigns
  • URL Cloaking