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How can I add expiration date to my short URLs?

Set an expiration date for your short link to automatically delete it after a specific date. Upon expiration, the short URL and its analytics/stats will be permanently deleted and visitors will be redirects to your domain's 404 Redirect URL.

Steps to set up Expiration Date:

  1. Login to your T2M Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Manage Short URL(s) > All Short URLs page.
  3. Click on + Create Short URL button to open the URL creation form, or search for an existing URL and click "🖉 Edit" button to open update form.
  4. Fill in the required fields under the Basic Details section as needed.
  5. Proceed to Expiration Date section, fill in the following field(s):
    • Set Expiration Date: Enter the expiration date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. The URL will expire at 11:59 PM (midnight) on the selected date, based on your account timezone.
  6. If you're done, click the "✓ Save" button to create your short link. Or, explore the next section for additional customization options.

This article is about:

  • URL Expiration
  • Time-Limited Short Links