Instagram stories are used every day by millions of people. Millions of stories in the different accounts that we consult almost every moment. Some of them are especially interesting if they recommend something, they teach us something or we just want to be able to see it the next day. You can save the stories of your friends on Instagram.

Instagram stories, as we know, can only be seen during the next 24 hours after uploading. If you want to see any after that time you will have to download it and you will be able to see it whenever you want.

Making screenshot is not always comfortable or not always the best option. It does not help if what you want to save for later is a video on your mobile phone. You can save the Instagram stories of your friends to see them later in a very simple and freeway. Provigil online

Download Stories And Instagram Content

You might search on Google many times for downloading Instagram stories many times. But all end up disappointing you. But T2M URL shortener won’t gonna disappoint you today. You can download Instagram stories (very old & new) from your computer or laptop.

If you want to save some story from a private account, then you must to follow them or the user needs to allow you to see their stories.

Here are the steps:

  1. First, you have to go the story you want to download.
  2. And then click your mouse right button quickly before the story changes. Put your cursor on the black part. Don’t put on the photo. Otherwise, it will not work. How can I save year-old Instagram stories from a private Instagram account? image 6Click “Save As”. Or you can use the shortcut, that is Ctrl+S. Buying Ambien online
  3. Do not name your file and select destination to save it as soon as you can. How can I save year-old Instagram stories from a private Instagram account? image 9
  4. Now open the downloaded folder and see the files there. You will see the stories you wanted to download there. How can I save year-old Instagram stories from a private Instagram account? image 18
  5. Open the picture (story) and check it. How can I save year-old Instagram stories from a private Instagram account? image 18Noticed? This is the photo we were trying to download.

So this is how you can download Instagram stories. Please share your thoughts with us.